
Elliot Bidgood

Account Manager

Elliot mainly works with our health charity clients such as our longtime friends in The Hepatitis C Trust, helping them to raise awareness and campaign for effective prevention and treatment.

He is passionate about strengthening the campaigning voice of UK civil society and building Principle’s impact as a social enterprise that offers political experience to young people.

Before joining Principle in 2021, Elliot worked for six years in a research and marketing role for a not-for-profit management consultancy, working with charity clients focused on health, housing, social welfare and other causes. In his spare time, he is a volunteer with Hackney Foodbank and previously served as a volunteer in the NHS.

Elliot Bidgood's selected case study


From Elliot Bidgood

Principle Work Experience 2024: What college students wanted election candidates to care about

By Elliot Bidgood

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