What you should know about Principle Consulting?
We are the leading consultancy for charity public affairs, policy and campaigning work. We strive towards a fairer, more just society by empowering charities to develop impactful policy solutions and get their voices heard through effective public affairs and creative campaigns.
Our central mission has three key areas:
As an award-winning social enterprise we are dedicated to helping charities and not-for-profit organisations achieve change through policy, public affairs and creative campaigns.
We have a proven track record of successful policy change campaigns for charities. We work towards a more just society by helping charities develop clear, impactful policy solutions and ensure that their voices are heard in central, devolved and local government.
We bring our unique perspective as an agency rooted in the work and priorities of our individual charity clients, whilst at the same time, bringing insights and intelligence from our work across the sector, adding value and driving innovation.
We believe that making a difference should be accessible to all.
We offer comparably low rates for our expert services on purpose, because we want our services to be a resource for the charity sector – affordable for organisations with limited budgets and enabling those with larger budgets to maximise capacity and outcomes.
As a social enterprise we are dedicated to ensuring that careers in charity policy, public affairs and campaigns are accessible to people of all backgrounds and life experiences. We use our funds to resource our widening access internship and work experience programme for students learning English as an additional language, as well as, schools and colleges outreach.
We aim to build packages that suit your requirements, by only deploying the most necessary tools and services which will lead you to the greatest impact.
Principle Consulting (trading name) is the same company as Principle Affairs Ltd, company number 05467588 (full details available on Companies House).
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